Phasmophobia Wiki
Phasmophobia Wiki

0.11.0, also known as the Crimson Eye update, is a major update released on 28 October 2024.[1][note 1] It features the Halloween 2024 event, optimizations, and bug fixes.


Event Board
  • Added an Event Board to the Warehouse featuring leaflets for current in-game events and challenges
    • Each Event and Challenge has a unique leaflet for progress tracking
      • You can open a leaflet by interacting with it, revealing information and corresponding rewards
    • The event board is located between the truck and Interior door of the Warehouse
    • Several assets and decor have been moved to surround the event board
    • The previous game's photo corkboard has been relocated to the parked Warehouse truck
    • New Challenges have been added:
      • Ranger Challenge
      • Sunny Meadows Survival
  • Added Latin American Spanish language support
  • Point Hope now has a unique key in the Truck
  • You can now invite and join friends using your Steam friends list
  • Your Unity ID is now displayed on the main menu board. Please provide this with any game support ticket you submit
  • If you block a player, you will now be muted for them (in addition to them being muted to you)
  • The EULA now supports all languages


Upgraded Physics
  • The player and door systems have been overhauled to fix all physics-related issues:
    • Doors will no longer push players into walls or out of locations
    • Doors can no longer be pulled off of their hinges
    • Players with low fps will no longer fall through the floor on Point Hope
    • Players can no longer be pushed through walls or objects
  • All aspects of the game have been heavily optimised, resulting in higher performance and more consistent frame rates
  • The handwritten font (Journal / Main menu) has been replaced to improve localisation support across all languages
  • You can no longer access the badge selection menu or change your character model while in the debriefing screen
  • The ghost orbs section of Training will now be completed more consistently


  • Many localisation, UI and font issues have been fixed throughout the game, in all languages
  • Sticky notes in training will now display the correct key bindings when using a controller and will be disabled in VR
  • Ghosts will no longer be able to hear players using push to talk after you stop talking using global chat
  • Players will no longer float when loading into the warehouse
  • The Main Menu UI will no longer break and overlap if you click the join button too many times, or when leaving the difficulty settings
  • Red strings on the investigation board will now turn on and off correctly when taking/removing photos
  • ID Cards will now reset when resetting your save file
  • You will no longer pick up the ouija board if you ask the sanity question with a gamepad and text voice recognition
  • You will no longer get stuck in the Monkey Paw text menu when using a gamepad
  • New badges will now appear as options on your ID card as soon as you earn them
  • Badges on the ID card will now be completely reset if you have a badge that isn't synced with your cloud save
  • Your ID card will now reset if you reset your save file
  • Ghosts can now enter and exit Sunny Meadows 'experiment room 3'
  • Ghosts will no longer get stuck on top of several objects in Sunny Meadows
  • The Ridgeview utility light will no longer stop rendering if you close the door
  • Gamepad icons for navigating main menu board will no longer disappear when swapping between menus
  • The gamepad cursor speed will now correct adjust to higher resolution monitors
  • VR and gamepad users can now scroll on the debriefing screen to see all information
  • You can no longer lose equipment inside the wall above the stairs in Ridgeview
  • When multiple players die at the same time, the contract will now end, and you will be able to exit the debriefing screen
  • The contract will now load correctly if someone disconnects while loading
  • Custom difficulty will now properly unlock at level 50 instead of level 1
  • The voice recognition UI will no longer show multiple phrases for each question in some languages
  • Weekly difficulty "Primitive" no longer tries to spawn more salt than what is possible
  • UI will no longer overlap if spamming the join button or when leaving the difficulty settings
  • When the host leaves, objects physics will now correctly reset for the new host
  • The ghost animations during events will now be the correct speed
  • Fixed several microphone issues on Steam Deck

Known Issues[]

  • Some locations have lighting and reflection issues, specifically with rooms being too bright
  • After dropping the voodoo doll, the movement will be incorrect
  • Some trees will flash with Eye Adaption enabled on low-end hardware
  • The first two pages of the VR Journal have missing text
  • Tripod I will follow you when dropped on consoles
  • Rain and Snow effects can't be seen on consoles



  1. Official Kinetic Games Partners were given early access keys on 27 October 2024.