Phasmophobia Wiki

The update is a minor update to the game released on 30 September 2022. This update fixes several other bugs related to the Apocalypse update that were not addressed by the previous patch.[1]



  • Replaced the “change” button in difficulty selection with arrow buttons to make navigation easier
  • Moved the lamp, glowsticks, clipboards, and boombox in the lobby room so that VR players can reach them easier
  • Moved fuse box icons so they're easier to see on the map
  • Significant performance improvements to weather, especially light rain
  • Lowered the volume for heavy rain and thunder
  • You will now be defaulted to the first loadout
  • Adjusted the lined paper’s brightness
  • Player volumes now start at 50%

Bug fixes[]


  • You will no longer get stuck on the main menu if a game starts while you are on the shop or contract vote screen
  • Fixed several bugs with the lobby UI
  • Player bodies will now always disappear when they leave
  • You will no longer be set to unready when there are minor lobby changes
  • The blue ball in the main menu will now be thrown properly
  • The invite code will no longer show for single-player and public games
  • You can now buy equipment if you have the exact amount required
  • The challenge clipboards will now be held in the correct place in VR
  • VR head and controller movement options are no longer inverted
  • You will now be given your equipment back if you crash
  • The voted map will no longer be set to random if the host leaves
  • The voted map will no longer show the wrong map
  • You can now click all main menu UI on 4:3 aspect ratio
  • The Recent Players list will now add players when it fills up

Camp Woodwind[]

  • You can no longer be killed when outside the gate
  • The ghost can no longer spawn behind the tables in the games tent
  • Fires will now extinguish when walking out of the truck when in heavy rain
  • Leaf piles will no longer disappear when moving away from them

Sunny Meadows Mental Institution[]

  • Significantly lowered the RAM usage
  • Hallway doors will now have fingerprints in the correct position
  • Removed the black box in the courtyard steps
  • Increased the size of the collider for using the fuse box handle
  • Scratches now reveal behind the wall crucifixes
  • Wall crucifixes are no longer usable by players
  • Removed a wheelchair in the basement storage to stop players getting stuck
  • Renamed nurses room to match the map text (Infirmary)
  • Removed infirmary from Female Wing restricted map

