恐鬼症 Wiki
Advertisement is a minor update to the game released on 11 July 2022.[1] This update changes a mechanic related to smudge sticks and fixes bugs.

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  • Held smudge sticks can no longer be lit by other players


  • The Phantom will now disappear when a photo is taken of it by non-hosts
  • Ghost footsteps will no longer stop spawning during hunts for fast ghosts
  • VR players can now hear the Truck footstep sounds
  • VR players can now grab objects when not connected to the server
  • Each Spirit Box will now have the same type of sounds
  • Fixed a bug where ghosts wouldn’t play footstep sounds on all surfaces they walked on
  • Fixed several issues related to the ghost not checking for players behind doors
  • Ghosts will no longer wander far away multiple times in a row
  • The Maple Campsite CCTV counter will now show the correct values
  • The campfire will now show the correct temperature on the Thermometer
  • The campfire will now increase the room temperature for everyone when lit by another player

